The entertainer, who has been in the music industry for almost a decade, said it took him three months to complete the project and was putting the finishing touches to it. “This has taken a lot from me. I’m really grateful to have had a great team behind me,” said the rapper (real name Siyabonga Xulu).“We’ve done this for everyone who’s hungry for new content.” Mawat said they will release an album immediately after the last music video on all popular online music platforms. His single, Dial Up, has been getting a lot of airplay on various radio stations.
He said the single means everything to him. “It talks about the daily life struggles that people go through, my experiences as well as kasi life.” The talented rapper said he can rap, write songs and produce music of all genres. The rapper has also produced for the likes of Sjava, Cash Time Family and Maraza. Mawat’s debut album, Blessed, was released in 2016. This is when he gained popularity in the local music scene.
On this album he’s worked with Sjava, Sfiso Ncwane, Maraza and Masandi. In August last year, he released his hit single, Mollo. The song received a lot of airplay on national radio stations. He said it will be included in his upcoming album titled Peer Pressure, to be released soon. Mawat has shared the stage with the likes of Sun-EL, K.O, Kwesta, Sfiso Ncwane and Sjava. He said this was a dream come true as some of the artists he has worked with on this project are his idols. #DialUp
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